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Easydive LEO2 Standard


Undervattenshus från det Italienska företaget Easydive

Beskrivning av huset (klippt från Easydives webplats)

Design, functionality and versatility are the main features of the new ...

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Undervattenshus från det Italienska företaget Easydive

Beskrivning av huset (klippt från Easydives webplats)

Design, functionality and versatility are the main features of the new housing Leo dedicated to digital SLRs.
Thanks to the USB Control Panel all major controls are remote, avoiding the need to build custom mechanical buttons. You can use the same housing if you buy a new camera. With the inner slide being fully customizable, the ability to quickly change the front porthole and use different types of objectives, special nuts and gears, the total water-proof security (double O-ring in all inputs of water), Leo is the best housing for SLR cameras currently on the market!

Not only photo
The revolutionary innovation that makes Leo unique is that Easydive can provide a kit with a second control panel in order to manage the camera and a slide dedicated to fix it, so it can be used for shooting in video mode too! To record you can either use the optical viewfinder, a back video or an external 16:9 monitor with a quick-fit connector.

Technical Specifications
• 8 mm thick marine grade aluminium housing.
• Ergonomic handles
• Double bayonet attack for flash lights on each handle.
• Large screen 6mm thick in polycarbonate.
• Three stainless steel fastenings.
• Flash connector Standard Nikonos 5/6pin.
• Gear for adjusting zoom lenses.

• Height: 177 mm.
• Width with handles: 340 mm.
• Length: 120 mm.
• Port Diameter: Ø 105mm.

Controls (standard):
• Shutter speed priority +/-
• Aperture priority +/-
• Preshutter Release
• Shutter Release
• Iso +/-
• Mode
• Exposure compensation.

Width and Depth:
• Weight: 2,8 Kg.
• Max operating depth: 100 metres (Deep Dive Test up to 200 metres on demand).

Easydive offers a lifetime warranty on all its housings!

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