X-Rite i1 Basic: Recensioner | Tester | Produktinfo | Prisjakt - Fotosidan

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X-Rite i1 Basic


i1Basic includes the defacto industry standard i1Pro spectrophotometer and i1Match Monitor profiling software. With i1Basic, you'll be able to scan spectral color, obtain accurate color on all your ...

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i1Basic includes the defacto industry standard i1Pro spectrophotometer and i1Match Monitor profiling software. With i1Basic, you'll be able to scan spectral color, obtain accurate color on all your displays, utilize your device to linearize your printers, and easily add profiling functionality through upgrade modules. With the included i1Share software you'll also be able to measure spot colors, plus capture both flash and ambient light. i1Pro is supported by all major RIP manufacturers.

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