Colour Confidence GrafiLite A4: Recensioner | Tester | Produktinfo | Prisjakt - Fotosidan

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Colour Confidence GrafiLite A4


Colour Confidence GrafiLite – Desktop daylight simulation
View prints and colour swatches in natural light, indoors, day or night, with the Colour Confidence GrafiLite. Colour appearance becomes ...

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Colour Confidence GrafiLite – Desktop daylight simulation
View prints and colour swatches in natural light, indoors, day or night, with the Colour Confidence GrafiLite. Colour appearance becomes distorted under standard home and office lighting and surrounding colours will bias your colour perception. The GrafiLite allows you to assess colour differences accurately and clearly.

The Colour Confidence GrafiLite combines powerful, energy efficient simulated natural lighting with a space-saving lamp unit and mid-grey neutral viewing mat. Suitable for viewing proofs, prints or colour swatches, the GrafiLite is ideal for photographers, designers or anyone concerned with colour accuracy.

Colour Confidence GrafiLite: CCON450
Specially formulated natural lighting – see details clearly and assess colour differences accurately
Powerful and portable with space-saving design
Neutral, mid-grey viewing unit and A4 mat for unbiased viewing
Optimum 2000 Lux illumination brightness
Energy efficient natural light simulation tube

Closed: 26.5 x 8 x 8cm (H x W x D)
Open: 27 x 8cm (L x W)
Viewing mat: A4 size

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