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The Lubot is a 10x mini-sized high performance power house. Its high-tech three element optical configuration incorporates a computer designed aspherical lens, which produces ultra sharp images ...

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The Lubot is a 10x mini-sized high performance power house. Its high-tech three element optical configuration incorporates a computer designed aspherical lens, which produces ultra sharp images across the entire viewable image area. This extremely wide field of view is infinitely superior to that produced by conventional two element optical systems.

The Lubot offers a flat field of view, with visual limits the user can cover without having to refocus the eye. This permits the loupe to be used continuously over a prolonged period without eyestrain or fatigue.

Not only is this loupe fitted with first class optics, it also combines the benefits of the popular jewelers' loupe with its covered lenses and small size, as well as the advantages of an ordinary 10x loupe with a clear skirt and graduated reticule.

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