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Tjenixen, detta mail damp precis ner i min mail, mailet kommer från någon som tydligen sett 2 av mina bilder som ligger etta och tvåa på topp10 på de communityt. Det luktar bluff och båg va tror ni?

Hi Patrick (mitt nick på

I am currently looking for interesting photographers/stylists to feature in
my new book on Fashion Photography & Styling to be published in fall 2005.

I have just completed a book on innovative fashion illustration
(IMAGEMAKERS: cutting edge fashion illustration) for the UK publisher
Mitchel Beazley, which is published this month.

I have now been asked to prepare a similar source book with the focus on
fashion photography and styling. I am very interested in presenting the
change that digital photography and digital adaption has brought to fashion
photography. The book will profile the work of around 30 photographers from
around the world. It is essentially a source book that will promote the new
and innovative techniques that have evolved in the past decade and the
manner in which these 'new' photographers exploit new media.

I am aware of some of your own work and wondered if you would like to get
involved with this new book. I know that you are not a 'fashion'
photographer - but your technique is fabulous. I really like 'The End' &
'They can't hear me' - these are fantastic images. Your technique is just
what my book is all about. Do you have other similar images - perhaps with

Currently I am trawling in the names of suitable photographers whose work
fits within the theme of the book. Each photographer will have a portfolio
section in the book (about 6 pages) and a text entry to explain their work.

We are currently working towards a promotion of the title (Pixel Surgeons)
at the October Frankfurt Book Fair.

If you are interested please let me know.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best Wishes
Det verkar ju inte var något massutskick eller så. Visa intresse för att få mer information, det skulle jag göra. Du skulle också kunna be honom pressentera bättre vad han gjort. Kolla upp hans tidigare bok osv.

Är det inte bluff så kan du ju tjäna en hacka.
jo jag ska se om ja kan få mer information, men ja tycker d verkar lite oseriöst, dessutom finns de andra som gör såna bilder som är way better, har för mig ja läst i nån tidning att folk på olika fotosidor blev kontaktade av nån som skulle göra en book,sen när dom skickat sina bilder blev dom erbjudna att köpa boken:)vissa fick inte ens boken dom betalt, d skulle ju lätt kunna vara nått sånt.
Januarirea hos Götaplatsens Foto