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help me lighting better my photos...

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follow test photo is done with available light .. i just need to illuminate the model better and in the same time keeping the black baground and the feeling off the photo

will i can do this with on Nikon sb800 or do i need a full light setup?



  • test.jpg
    17.1 KB · Visningar: 427
Bounce the flash in the ceiling to spread the light from it. (Have everything controlled manully). Try with different power on the flash on until the model looks good. If the bg gets too bright, incrase the distance from the model to bg. And/or hang up a piece of black fabric.

Hope this helps,
Hans its help a lot!!!!! Thanks

i was more or less sure that maybe with a flash and a bounce we could do it but i do love to hear from the pros:)

Is there the shutter speed from importans?

BTW Hans GREAT Portraits on your webpage. i really love them.

In the photo above the model perhaps hold the "lamp" a bit to close to her body. Her neck is lit nicely, but her eyes are not. When you use the flash towards the ceiling try different power as Hans said, but keep a close look on how the light on her eyes are. It should come more light from below than above (ceiling).

/ Marcus
Marcus thanks..

Monday i will have a SB800 and try to reshoot this scene...
Is for educational purposes only and will help me to learn faster to control light if i have not a studio equickment..

Is the same time i have think that maybe a light as those that we use to read will do a fill job
i could try to control the beam with some alluminium folie...

Maybe it will work... we will se on monday....

btw. behind the model in ca 20cm is a white wall and a window...:)

well.. you are using a D70, right? that means you are able to see the direct result of a change in light or a repositioning of a reflector.. (you don't have that opportunity shooting 35mm)

so.... after getting tips about using your sb800 the best way, you'll be better trying out different settings in the studio by yourself.
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