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Ukrainian wins USD10,000 lawsuit against McDonald's.

28/4 Tass
KIEV, April 28 (Itar-Tass)

A resident of Kiev has won a 10,000 U.S. dollar lawsuit against McDonald's in Ukraine. Last year, Vitaly Shikoryak took his four-year-old son to a presentation of a new fast-food restaurant. The boy got photographed and his picture was then used for advertising purposes without his parents' consent. The father demanded a compensation of 100,000 U.S. dollars for the violation of his son's rights and the breach of the law on advertising. However Kiev's district court reduced the sum to 10,000 U.S. dollars.
Shikoryak said he would contest the ruling in the city court. There are more than 50 McDonald's restaurants in 16 Ukrainian cities. The company has invested almost 80 million U.S. dollars in them.

Det finns ju en hel del andra liknande fall runt om i världen... inte bara i östeuropa där kapitalismen kanske ännu inte är så inkörd.... knasigt!
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