Hur skärper man bäst D3-filerna? Ingen som jämfört behovet av skärpning, både mängd och metod, mellan D3 och andra kameror som tex Nikon D2X?
Björn Rörslett skriver om skärpning i sin recension av D3:an, men ger ingen fingervisning om hur skärpningen bäst skall ske (
"Compared to output from other Nikon models, the files from the D3 will need careful sharpening as they are prepared for their final output destination. The jpgs at default camera settings are good to go for being printed directly, so are not the best starting point for pixel-peeping activity unless you are familiar with pre-press work. Unless you rush the files to a news desk, resizing and a good deal of sharpening are necessary ingredients in the work flow to make the D3 images exhibit their inherent quality."
Här diskuteras också skärpning av D3-filer:
"In general double the sharpening numbers you are used to with a D200 or D2X, cut the radius in half and us little to no threshold, maybe use 1. For example 250/.3/0 (1) works really really well at ISO 200-800. After 800 you need to watch that 250 sharpening number and back it off. But in general sharpen more and radius less. All that detail yo were expecting IS there.
In NX I slam the sharpening slider all the way to 100 and then use about 2-3 radius and 0-1 threshold.
It takes time to get accustomed to the D3 look 'cause it isn't a FF D2X. Images are sharp and they are detailed but they pull it off in a different way with a different look.
I printed at a few different USM settings in NX. 100/3/2, 100/5/3 and 80/3/2.
Know what? In one shot the 80/3/2 looks better than the 100/3/1 shot and in the other the 100/5/3 shot is still very sharp but smoother in the way the 70'sish womens skin looks. But still all the differences are extremely small. But I stand by what I say about lots of USM and very little radius compared to what you would think is right. Sharpen alot and then take the edge off with radius and threshold.
BTW the USM setting for a 12,800 image with in camera NR set to Low (recommend that), in camera B&W conversion and in camera USM turned off was 35/2/2 in NX."
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