
NEX-5N 33.000 m högt upp i stratosfären - filmar jordens rundning

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För cirka 4 månader sedan skickade alerta belgier upp två NEX-kameror till 33.000 m höjd mha en heliumballong, och lyckades filma vårt runda klot. :)

The Stratos-Sphere Project : making-of
by Edouard Janssens 4 months ago

Project Stratos-Sphere is a photographic fine-art project created and launched in 2011 by the belgian photographer Edouard Janssens to shoot the curve of our planet and the thin atmosphere we’re living in, from the best possible point of vue, 33 km high, deep into the stratosphere.

Making-of video by John Janssens. Music by Ulrich Schnauss

Deras projektsida här:

Project Stratos-Sphere
Near Space Fine Art Photography

Videosnutt 6:38 min:sek från sonden här:

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