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Artiklar > Apple uppdaterar Final Cut Pro

Apple uppdaterar Final Cut Pro

Snabbare redigering med uppdaterad Final Cut Pro.

Apple uppdaterar sitt videoredigeringsprogram Final Cut Pro. Version 10.6.2 ska vara betydligt snabbare med nya Mac Studio, framför allt med ProRes Raw-filer.

Uppdateringen är kostnadsfri för de som redan har programmet. Final Cut Pro kostar 3 195 kronor i App Store.

Här är alla uppdateringar:

  • Quickly locate media that appears more than once in a project using highlighted clip ranges or the Timeline Index.
  • Improve the clarity of speech by adjusting the level of background noise using machine learning (Requires macOS Monterey 12.3 or later).
  • Optimized playback and graphics performance for M1 Max and M1 Ultra on the new Mac Studio.
  • Import Magic Movie and Storyboard projects created with iMovie for iOS version 3.0 into the timeline.
  • Adds Korean language support.

Final Cut Pro 10.6.2 also includes these additional fixes and enhancements:

  • Attach titles and graphics to existing tracker data in the Tracker Options on-screen-control.
  • Choose either pin to tracker or offset from tracker in the Tracker Options on-screen-control.
  • Tracking Editor automatically displays in the timeline when performing an object track.
  • Items attached to a tracked object can be scaled in X and Y sizes uniformly.
  • Improves reliability when using the Object Tracker with clips that don’t match the project’s frame rate.
  • Improves reliability when using the Object Tracker in connected storylines.
  • Improves reliability when using Send to Compressor with a compound clip that contains Object Tracker data.
  • Improves functionality when selecting photos and videos with the Photos browser.
  • Improves functionality when dragging photos and videos from the Photos app directly into Final Cut Pro.
  • Improves performance when drawing waveforms.
  • Improves reliability when playing audio from a clip that is reversed in the timeline.
  • Fixes an issue where video scopes would sometimes appear monochrome.
  • Improves reliability when removing effects from retimed clips.
  • Fixes an issue where opening a compound or multicam clip in a connected storyline would sometimes display an empty timeline.
  • Fixes an issue where opening a project after modifying its starting timecode would sometimes display an empty timeline.
  • Improves reliability when using the keyboard to navigate to captions attached to a secondary storyline.
  • Includes an alpha channel when exporting a PNG file from the timeline.

Publicerad 2022-04-22.

1 Kommentarer

Betacam_SP 2022-04-24 08:29  
Det verkar vara en hyfsad uppdatering, dags att ladda ned den då :)


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