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STILL FILMS - Ulf Lundin

28 februari - 6 april
Plats: Galleri magnus karlsson, Stockholm |

With the title Still FilmsUlf Lundin is playing with the concept of Film stills; a still taken
from the moving picture. An image showing a brief moment in a much
longer history. Still films is something very different.
During the working process with Still films,  14 photographs all
together, Ulf Lundin has been working with both traditional photography
and digital manipulation. For each image he has decided on a specific
place that will work as a stage setting for his ideas.
With a camera on a tripod he has taken a series of photographs during
one day, waiting for the right moment that might add something to the
wanted  image. He is gathering material.
The next step is when Lundin with the help of a computer puts together
different parts of the images to create a compressed manipulated
reality. The result becomes a tasty soup where the ingredients have
been concentrated to a mixture like hours becoming a brief moment.

Tisdag-fredag 12-17
Lördag 12-16
Söndag 13-16

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