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Vinnarna av Pulitzerpriset 2008

Pulitzerpriset vinnare 2008 har presenterats och det finns två stycken kategorier inom foto. Adress Latif och Preston Gannaway är vinnarna.


" For a distinguished example of breaking news photography in black and white or color, which may consist of a photograph or photographs, a sequence or an album, in print or online or both, Ten thousand dollars ($10,000).

Awarded to Adrees Latif of Reuters for his dramatic photograph of a Japanese videographer, sprawled on the pavement, fatally wounded during a street demonstration in Myanmar."

FEATURE PHOTOGRAPHY: Preston Gannaway of the Concord Monitor

"For a distinguished example of feature photography in black and white or color, which may consist of a photograph or photographs, a sequence or an album, in print or in print and online, Ten thousand dollars ($10,000).

Awarded to Preston Gannaway of the Concord (N.H.) Monitor for her intimate chronicle of a family coping with a parent's terminal illness."

Publicerad 2008-04-09.

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