Del laGrace Volcano - Femmes of Power: Exploding Queer Femininities

kl. 13.00 VERNISSAGE
Del LaGrace Volcano
Ikoniska porträtt av queera femme-inina hjältinnor från
Skandinavien, Europa och USA från den nya boken Femmes of Power:
Exploding Queer Femininities i samarbete med Ulrika Dahl. Utställningen
inkluderar tidigare opublicerade bilder.
Femmes of Power goes beyond 20th century identity politics
by both exploring and exploding the role that feminine gender expression
has played within traditional feminist discourse. Del LaGrace Volcano
returns to Panora Gallery for the first time in 7 years to present this
stunning visual tribute to a diverse range of queerly femme-inine subjects
in more than a dozen European and North American urban centers.
Femmes of Power: Exploding Queer Femininities, is a collaboration and
labour of love between renowned visual artist Del LaGrace Volcano and
the Swedish ethnographer and femme-inist activist Ulrika Dahl and the
subjects of this groundbreaking new book. It unsettles the objectifying
"male" gaze on femininity and presents femmes as speaking subjects
and high-heeled theorists. Look closer - these powerful, sexy and sincerely
ironic feminine figures are larger than life, bravely challenging femininity¹s
negative connotations and replacing femme invisibility with a fresh new
face for femme-inism.
Utställningsperiod 19/9 – 11/10
Onsdag-Fredag 14.00-18.00
Lördag-Söndag 13.00-16.00
Gallerinatten 26/9 18.00-24.00
Samt vid Biograf Panoras filmvisningar.
Arrangörer: Folkets Bio Malmö, Abf
Malmö och Malmö Queer Art & Film Festival