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Leicameter 4 svart - rekommenderas?

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Jag har redan formulerat frågan på engelska...nån översättning behöver ni väl inte?

"I use my black M4 body almost always with the wide angle lens Super Angulon 21mm f3,4, and with hyper-focal distance setting and an aperture of 8 or 11, it´s perfect for street photography I think…I´m really impressed with the results I get on Tri-X 400 film, and this has given me an exiting retro-renewal of my black & white experiences from the 1960- and 1970ties. Although I also regularly use my extensive Canon EF digital equipment, I also fully enjoy the the analog b&w photography!

I have question re. the M4 use:

I recently have bought me a Leica Viewfinder 21mm, (rather expensive but very useful) and now I can see how much the lens includes in the picture. It is attached to the camera in the accessory shoe on the camera.

To get the correct exposure, I have the ambition to refine my intuition of lighting conditions and exposure settings, but sometimes I have to check exposure values by using the Luxmeter app in my iPhone 8. It is somewhat tedious sometimes, but safe for important pictures but slow me down a lot.

I have understood that there is (was?) a Leicameter 4 black, but it is neither cheap, eBay prices around 300 dollars. Is it a good (recommendable Leica accessory?) Are there Zeiss or Voiglander cheaper equivalents? And, the main issue for be attached in the accessory shoe on the camera…? (which is already occupied by my Leica Viewfinder 21mm) Do I therefore have to decide what is more important…correct exposure or what the lens covers in width and/or height in the picture?

I hope you understand my dilemma and I am convinced the you can give a valuable suggestion!

(to improve my lighting and exposure setting intuition, in the way and to the extent that the experienced newspaper photographers "back in the old days" must have achieved that, is probably an unreachable goal for a 72 year old Leica freak like me….) "
Leicametern som skall vara i tillbehörsskon är i inte speciellt noggrann.
Du måste också använda 1.35 voltbatterier. Använd en vanlig lös exponeringsmätare.
Voigtländer VC Meter II, som finns i blankt (?) eller svart, är ett bra alternativ till Leicametern. Den kan beställas ny hos bl a Scandinavian Photo.

Jag hade en svart Leicameter MR under några år på 1980-talet, köpte den ny på Shiphol. Den fungerade bra ihop med min M4-P, men hur den hade klarat att åldras har jag ingen aning om (och finns det idag rätt sorts batterier till den?).

Jag kommer även ihåg att man fick se upp när man monterade/demonterade Leicametern i tillbehörskon så man inte repade färgen på kameran.

Jag skulle idag absolut köpt en ny Voigtländermätare i st f en begagnad Leicameter.

Om man istället föredrar en kompakt handhållen mätare så gillar jag den lilla plastiga Sekonic L-208 Twinmate.
Götaplatsens foto – en riktig fotobutik.