Leif Rydell

Travel, birding and taking photos as the main purpose.

Öland August 1-3, 2020

For a few days , I visited Öland in early August. Purpose was to go away a few day with my wife as Corona had spoiled all other plans. We stayed at my friend Tommy's house just at the southern part of the island. The house has a stunning setting with views of the Baltic Sea and traditional farming country. Obviously we spent some time not birding but as this time happens when the waders are starting their migration, I still had the chance to see some nice birds. Seby is one of my favorite places on this island as it often gives good views of some shorebirds. The majority of them, as usual, Dunlins.

Among all the Dunlins and a few Common Ringed Plovers I was a little bit fortune to see both a few Curlew Sandpipers and a single Little Stint, both great birds for me who lives inland.

A few moments later, still at Seby, I saw a few more good species. The Ruddy Turnstone is a local specialty and this single Sanderling, a wader that's not uncommon during migration, but never shows up in big numbers as at other places around the world.

All birders in Sweden has visited Öland and to spend some hours at the absolute tip, is in all itineraries. There is a famous light house here, Långe Jan (Tall Jan) and beside it you can see some birds related to the shore and also lots of migration. Beside the light house, also a Black-headed Gull, an Arctic Tern and a surprising (sick?) Black Guillemot.

Just a few hundred meters north of the light house there are some lovely areas of forest where you in spring time will find many warblers, flycatchers and other passerines. Not many songs or calls at this time of the year but still some good birds at close range, here a juvenile Red-backed Shrike and the awesome Wryneck.

Thanks for this, a few days of birding in great Swedish birding country.

Postat 2020-08-29 20:41 | Läst 2733 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (0) | Kommentera