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"Music is perfect" – Leroy Emmanuel

In july 2017 Leroy Emmanuel was in Sweden to play with his band LMT Connection and the Canadian band Newworldson at a festival. I took the opportunity to do a longer interview with him. Leroy is a respected name in soul and funk music. He has played guitar with some of the greatest entertainers in music history. When I asked him about the importance of music, I got the following answer:

– Music is perfect! Music was created to remind mankind what he was created to be – Perfect! That’s why music is perfect! It’s like a ball of clay that a hundred of millions of people can shape something out of it and it will be a different shape. Why? Cause the ball of clay is perfect enough to lend it self to everybody and that’s what music is! That exactly what it is no more no less, Leroy Emmanuel.

Text och foto: Mikael Good

Inlagt 2020-10-04 09:23 | Läst 7370 ggr. | Permalink

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Nämn en färg i den svenska flaggan?
Härliga bilder, och även en med dig och Sony in action!
Svar från Chasid 2020-10-08 11:54
Tack för din kommentar Ragnar! Det är både Alfa och Omega i spegelbilden! :)