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Their dream is a new house

Ismael and Maria

Maria and Ismael belong to the romani minority in Romania. They have 12 children and many grandchildren. They have a little house in a village outside the town Bacau in the eastern part of Romania. Their oldest children have since long married and moved out from the house and the youngest ones are teenagers and can take care of them self.

Therefore decided Maria and Ismael to go to Sweden with the hope of getting a job. Even if Maria and Ismael are 53 and 61 years old they are quite fit for their age and has experience from working in both factory and agriculture. But they didn't find work and as so many other romanian romanis they ended up as beggars on the streets of Sweden.

They use a small amount of the money that they get to pay for their own expenses but they send home most of the money to their children and grandchildren in Romania. Maria and Ismael dream of being able to buy a larger house for their family in Romania, a house where they, their children and grandchildren can live and prosper together.

Text and Photo: Mikael Good

Inlagt 2015-01-14 14:52 | Läst 8232 ggr. | Permalink

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