Agneta's Seagull blog. Sometimes in English versus Swedish. Copyright Agneta Viklund.


Följer debatten om vargen som det skrivs om i en del bloggar just nu och här i Californien har vi ju den fina coyoten. Biltrafiken här skördar så många djur så det är med sorg i hjärtat man kör runt på vägarna här. Ofta jag ser tvättbjörnar, ekorrar, skunkar, fåglar, skorpioner eller ormar liggandes på vägen. Vissa bryr sig inte ens om att stanna och kolla om djuret är helt dött utan de kör bara på i snabba hastighter. Detta medför att en del fåglar som rensar rent och äter upp djuren inte alltid hinner undan heller. Ofta stannar jag och drar de döda djuren åt sidan om jag kommer åt. Ibland så springer djuren ut utan att föraren har möjlighet att gira undan. Jag tänker att vi bilister dödar endast för fartens skull medan djuren dödar för att ha något att äta, även om det inte är hela sanningen.

Tänkte visa lite bilder på Coyote härifrån.

En Coyote vi hittade liggandes vid vägkanten.

Den här fina coyoten hade vi turen att träffa på när vi bilade i Death Valley i Californien.

Coyoten lät sig villigt fotograferas när vi stannade bilen och pratade med den. Den höll sig dock på avstånd men verkade lite nyfiken också. Kändes stort att få möta den. 

Postat 2011-12-10 23:49 | Läst 11582 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (2) | Kommentera

The dead Seagull.

This little story is about a time when I came to the ocean and found one  seagull baby dead. I felt so sad. I had been there 4 days earlier and at that time the young Seagull was full of life, even if I could see that some of the other chased him/her away. I thought that maybe the dead Seagull had it better in the ocean, instead of laying on the ground among the other, so I made a decision, which might have been  a wrong decision. I took the Seagull by the feet and carefully carried him/her to the ocean. All of the Seagulls at the beach was lifting to the air, circling high up and sqweeking. In a big circle they flew and then it became totally quiet. I didn't know if I should put the Seagull back but decided that he/she was better in the ocean. So I put him/her out, cried a little and he peacefully float away on the waves out to the horizon. All Seagulls flew away, and it took 15 minutes before one of them came back. It felt that I had interfered when I shouldn't.  I was glad that I had taken photographs of just that Seagull 4 days earlier, but I felt very sad about his dead.




Postat 2010-03-12 02:18 | Läst 13346 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (5) | Kommentera


Talking, eating, flying and relaxing....that's "my" Seagulls. This afternoon was a clear and bright day and the curious Seagulls was interested in what I was doing there. I feel connection when they look straight in the viewfinder. It's the same feeling when they show me the back :)



Postat 2010-02-20 18:31 | Läst 13229 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (0) | Kommentera

Having fun in the waves.

As a Seagull nerd, I must confess that when I see a Seagull playing in the waves, I feel happy. It is rewarding for me to see them having fun. For me it looks like the human surfer also having a really fun time. I sometimes see children running after the Seagulls and throwing stones on them and that makes me so sad. My wishes is that the adults around the children would tell them that the Seagulls also needs to be loved. 



Postat 2010-02-09 03:41 | Läst 18929 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (1) | Kommentera

Three brave and curious Seagulls.

This is about a day when I went to the beach with a mirror. I was interested in how they would react when I brought something which they were not accustomed with. I think we all had a really nice time together and I can assure you that i had many good laughs. The last Seagull had a very worried outlook, but her curiosity took over and she went forward.







Postat 2010-02-03 18:17 | Läst 18169 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (3) | Kommentera
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