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Ryckiga övergångar i ProShow

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Jag provade att göra ett bildspel i ProShow Gold, men fick problem med ryckiga övergångar.

När jag provade med bara ett fåtal bilder och genererade en körbar fil gick det bra på min dator som kör Vista, men det blev ryckiga övergångar när jag körde den på en annan dator med XP. Jag provade även att göra samma show på datorn med XP (som kör en äldre variant av ProShow) och den filen gav jämna övergångar på båda datorerna.

Någon som haft liknande problem?

PS.Jag har skickat en fråga till Photodex så jag hopas att de har någon lösning.
Jag upplever samma sak som du. Jämfört med t.ex. bildspel gjorda i elements som genererar mjuka fina tonade övergångar så fladdrar det mest med ProShow. I princip det enda skälet till varför jag inte köpt programmet.

Hör av dig om du får nån info från tillverkaren, kanske nån ny version på g

Jag fick det här svaret som jag inte blir speciellt mycket klokare på.


Thank you for contacting Photodex. It is likely that the reason your
EXE from 2.6 runs smoother is because it requires less resources as the
3.1 show may have more features.

The jerking and hesitation you are experiencing is largely due to the
nature of real time shows. These shows are executables, autorun CD
shows, web shows, and disc shows that have PC autorun included. Unlike
Video CD or DVD shows, these are not rendered ahead of time. This means
that all of the show effects must be performed by the system in real
time. That makes the show vulnerable to changes in available resources,
CPU speed, memory, and other factors. Some of the effects are very
resource intensive and can result in the jerking, tearing, or hesitation
you are reporting.

There are a few ways to try and reduce this problem. Make sure you are
using images that the show can easily manipulate. You can begin by
attempting a reduction of your images. There is no ideal resolution to
use. I suggest that you test alternate resolutions to find one that
suits your preference between size and quality. Please remember that any
reduction in image size will incur a loss in quality. Reduce the overall
resolution of your show if you are running in high resolution but going
to the "Options" button in the tool bar, selecting the "Show Options"
tab. Reducing this value can often improve performance.

You can also reduce the number of simultaneous motion effects or their
severity in order to minimize the appearance of tearing or jerks.
Finally, you can clear up background processes on the PC in question in
order to free resources that may improve playback.

You may also be experiencing problems in the performance of your
computer because of extraneous or conflicting start up items. Please go
to "Start" > "Run", type in 'msconfig' and click on "OK". Remove
extraneous processes from the "Startup" tab in the "System Configuration
Utility"; please see [ ] for
information on this utility. Google anything in the Startup tab that is
confusing. There are websites that will tell you what these processes
are and whether you need them or not. Make sure you also look for
anything that has to do with CD or DVD burning including programs like
Nero, Roxio, SonicRecord Now, or others. Some of these processes include
"directcd.exe", "incd.exe", "drgtodsc.exe", "nerocheck", and
"tfswctrl.exe". Please don't just look for these processes, but review
them all. The more you get rid of, the faster and more stable your
system will be and the chances for program glitches will be mitigated.
After you do this, click "OK" at the bottom and reboot. Please note: do
not remove any processes that have to do with your anti-virus or
wireless devices, such as mice and keyboards. After you reboot, you will
get a message saying, "You've used the System Configuration Utility".
Check "Do not show this message again" and click on "OK". You will still
be able to use anything you have unchecked. When you uncheck a startup
item you're just making sure it doesn't start when you boot your system
because this can waste resources and create potential problems.

Please let me know if you need further assistance or have additional

> I have a problem with transitions between pictures not being smooth. I use the crossfade(blend)-linear transition.
> 1. I made a show about 10 minutes with 75 pictures and music and generated an executable. The transitions were not smooth, but jerky, when I run it on my computer with Vista and on another computer with XP.
> 2. Then I tried to make a executable of a short show and that had smooth transitions on my computer with Vista, but when I run the executable on a computer with XP the transitions were jerky.
> 3. I also tried to generate the same show on the computer with XP (it has version 2.6 of ProShow Gold) and that exacutable runs smoth on both computers.
Vista kräver mycket mer av datorn än XP.
Ligger du på gränsen av vad Vista behöver och sen gör ett bildspel där bilderna har hög upplösning så är det risk för att inte datorn orkar med.
Vad har du för processor? Hur mycket minne?
Har du sen många autostartande program så tar dom också mycket av kraften.

Jo, men ett problem är att bildspelet som jag skapat på min dator med Vista även går ryckigt om jag kör det på en annan dator med XP.
Har inga problem med min dator. Ändå så är den gammal och seg en enkel AMD 2500+.
Ni kan se spelet här.
Det problemet jag har är att man inte kan se bildspelet på sidan, man måste tanka hem det, finns program som konverterar från exe till flash, men vet inte vart man får tag i det ( men det är ju ett annat problem)
Köp en spegellös systemkamera från Canon och få ett 50mm objektiv på köpet hos Götaplatsens Foto.