
Can any one help me out on this?

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Anything about this Large Format WA lens from Paris? It says M. Roussel & L. Berteau, serie-D, No-3.
I come across this brass barrel lens and it might be nice for a wetplate camera. I wonder what size it would cover but mostly what degree this thing might have. Somebody might have some info on the lens. I tryed on the net but find nothing. Asked on sites but no info come at all

Thanks Frank.
about old lens

You could hold the lens in front of a large paper an see how large circel of light it shows on the paper. That would give you an idea of the coverage.
You could hold the lens in front of a large paper an see how large circel of light it shows on the paper. That would give you an idea of the coverage.

The method you referring to is no good as with out knowing the focal length of the lens the result would be very uncertain and LF lenses has a different covering power on different f stops too.. To put it into different LF cameras is better and I have already tryed that one when no info come in but still which degree the lens works are difficult to estimate when you don't have a reference to compare with either. But thanks anyway, got all the info lather from a friend in France
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