Tack för svar (sorry för atr det dröjt med svar från mig). Det verkar som att SP-350 är den enda kompakten som stöder det senaste blixtprotokollet. Den fungerar alltså bara med FL-20, FL-36/50 och ej så bra med Fl-40.
Från Olympus sägs det att SP-350 inte stöder den inbyggda AF-assistlampan. Men det har de även sagt för andra kompakter, och det verkar som FL-36 AF-assist och de nya blixtarna fungerar för dessa kameror!
"With the C-5050Z, C-5060WZ, and C-8080Z, the camera's built-in (non-patterned) AF light was overwhelming the flash beams (I haven't checked this feature with the '7070). My experiments indicate that when the camera's AF assist is disabled, both these models use the flash beam assistance, although autofocusing is much slower than in the E-300 (which generally is the case).
Don't try to find more on this in the manufacturer's data: camera manuals refer you to flash instructions, and the latter — to the Olympus Web site, where all you can find is a general (yes/no) compatibility information. Instead, Olympus treats you to an animation of a flying butterfly; that's exactly what most people are looking for, one would think.
With the E-10/E-20 the AF assist is not activated; these cameras seem to rely in the built-in (infrared) beam source."