
I romanen om mitt liv och mina resor

Persongalleriet #558: Istanbuls katter

April 2015.
Har haft bilder på Istanbuls katter i bloggen förut. Till exempel här, här, här och här. Men allt eftersom jag jobbar mig igenom alla filerna från resan hittar jag fler. Idag samlar jag ihop de nyfixade till ett särskilt temainlägg.

Det är fler än jag som fotar katterna!

Det var vad jag hade att bjuda på idag. Kanske hittar jag fler kattbilder när jag kommer tillbaks till Istanbul i mars?!

Ha det gott, alla!


Postat 2016-02-13 13:38 | Läst 2322 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (8) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #447: Istanbul Graffiti

8/4 2015.
Såg inte så mycket graffiti, gatukonst eller ens särskilt mycket vanligt klotter i Istanbul. Men längs den väg jag valde från Karaköy upp till Galatatornet fanns det en del.

Trevlig helg, alla!


Postat 2015-06-27 10:47 | Läst 5269 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (4) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #432: Svartvitt från Istanbul

Gatufoto från mitt besök i den turkiska metropolen, den 7:e till 16:e april, nu i våras.

Slut för idag!

Trevlig helg, alla!


Postat 2015-06-05 10:30 | Läst 2804 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (9) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #398: In Besiktas with Canan

Istanbul, April 13th 2015.
Here are a bunch of picture from my day with Canan, a Turkish photographer and illustrator who was kind enough to show me a part of her city I hadn't seen before:  Beşiktaş.


It seems I am becoming more and more of a cat photographer.  :-)

And Canan wants to be one too!

Stopping for çay is a good idea!

Here are the cats again!


Than you Canan for an awesome day!  :-)


Postat 2015-04-18 00:25 | Läst 4397 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (8) | Kommentera

Persongalleriet #395: Istanbul Ramblings

On the 12th of April, I did a bit of a random photo-walk. I started with a few blocks in the neighborhood around the hotel. A great place for street photography! It was a Sunday, so the area was, if not exactly deserted, definitely less crowded than during other days of the week.


Portrait of a man with an apple.

I then walked up to the tram line and followed it west.

Candid portrait. Busted!

I came to Aksaray where I tried to find a shot under the bridge. There were a lot of people around by now as this place is also a tram stop.

Another candid portrait. Busted again!

I found some nice alleys where a lot of guys were playing games and drinking çay.

Wondering where to go next, I brought out the map. I found that I was pretty close to Valens Aqueduct, from the Roman era. That might be interesting!

Going through the arches I came upon a lively avenue with restaurants, a mosque and a whole district of butchers' shops! Sensistive viewers should close their eyes while scrolling down a few clicks!



Five Heads.

These pretty boys saw me taking their picture and invited me for some çay. I got the chair and the çay sat on the pavement.  ;-)

When I had finished the çay, the butcher came out and asked for a pic.

He wanted one in front of his shop, too.

Although I rambled on for another few hours, this will have to do for now!



Postat 2015-04-14 22:37 | Läst 2301 ggr. | Permalink | Kommentarer (3) | Kommentera