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Dirty Loops Live

It's clear that Dirty Loops enjoy playing live and thanks to their charisma and technical brilliance they soon have the 2.000 people strong audience in their hands. Dirty Loops singer and keyboardist Jonah Nilsson exclaims spontaneously: – Wow, what a big audience! When he looks out over the expectant crowd at the scene Skeppet (ship) in Gullbranna. Dirty Loops concert is a showcase of instrumental skill spiced up with a really good vocal performance from Johan. The audience is very mixed and it consist of people in different ages from youngsters in their early teens to seniors. As an encore delivers Dirty Loops their hit "Hit me".

Dirty Loops Live 02

Even if they soon shall take the plane that shall take them from Sweden to Montreal Jazz Festival the band takes lot of time to talk to their fans and to sign albums and T-shirts after the show. And before they leave they socialize with their fans at the festival site. 

Dirty Loops Live 07

Dirty Loops are a Swedish Jazz-fusion band from Stockholm who broke through on YouTube in 2011 thanks to the groupes jazz and fusion cover of Lady Gagas "Just Dance" which generated millions of klicks. The band consists of Jonah Nilsson - vocals and keyboard, Henrik Linder - bass and Aaron Mellergårdh drums. The song "Hit Me" that came out earlier this year has been a smash hit in Japan. And in april the groups first album Loopified became number 1 on the album pop chart in the same country. Dirty Loops music can best be descibed as a hyper energic mix between pop and jazz and it suites festivals like the Montreal Jazz Festival as well as pop and rock festivals. Dirty Loops have many fans in both places.

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Text and Photo: Mikael Good

Inlagt 2014-07-21 09:56 | Läst 11245 ggr. | Permalink

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